欢迎报名L'Oreal Brandstorm 2017 竞赛说明会:10/18(二)中午国际会议厅(新开放跨校组队)!

时间: 10/18 () 12:00 14:00

地点: 政大商学院1 国际会议厅 (来参加说明会就有机会获得产品喔!)

报名规定: 组成三人队伍,大三()以上及研究生,不限科系、无2年全职工作经验

且每队需至少有男性及女性成员各一名!亦可跨校组队 !

Brandstorm is L'Oreal's unique business competition for students to unleash their creativity and apply ground-breaking ideas to one of L'Oreal's international brands and distribution channels. Since 1992 Brandstorm has given to more than 70,000 students worldwide the possibility to work on real life challenges and be coached by top L'Oreal executives.

Each Brandstorm team is composed of 3 creative and entrepreneurial minds !


